Monday, February 2, 2009

Baja Entry 3

1/14/09 8:40AM Beach in Santa Rosallilita [Courtney's Birthday!]

Me lo estoy pasando muy bien. (This is hitting the spot.)

Se me esta subiendo mucho. (I'm feeling drunk.)

After a night of general shenanigans, we are all up again and breaking down camp. Court and I woke up at around 7AM, changed clothes, bathed with babywipes, re-applied deodorant, took shits in the sand, and walked over some bluffs to discover another beach. We scaled down some rocks, rocks the color of my plum New Balance shorts, to find beautiful fish swimming in the ocean. Bright orange ones. We stayed down near the edge of the rocks, where the waves were crashing up and splashing water on our legs. Then we walked back to the camp to find everyone awake and generally in good spirits post-merrymaking last night.

Yesterday was spent with 4 hours of desert/inland driving. Lots of interesting scenery, like giant mountains of rocks piled high and a dried up lakebed (Lake Champala?) that we took pictures at and looked like some kind of motley rock band shooting an album cover. Havoc ensued when driving and attempting to identify, through general consensus via walkie talkies, where to set up camp for the night. At one point Carl stopped speaking to us on the radios and after about a 5-minute silence, due to his anger with us, it was decided that we'd camp in Santa Rosallilita, approximately 15 kilometers off the main highway. We pulled into the village to see beautiful coastlines and huts and shacks housing small children, women cooking, and fisherman's rubbers hanging on trees in front of their homes. Later the next morning, Carl would comment that if this beach was in the US it would be cheek-to-jowel covered with condos and resorts. We purchased some smokes for 32 pesos each pack and some more avocados (can't ever have enough), then cherry-picked scrapwood from a pile we saw on the side of the road. Carefully plucking the scraps, so as to avoid rusty nails, Court, Blackness, Mingo, and I sang our own versions of songs we'd been listening to and yelled at one another just for the fun of it. We were mobbing around the beach in the bed of the truck, Courtney pushing the truck up to 70 mph as we drove there and back for the sundries and the wood. We returned with our bounty and ate an appetizer of Carne Asada, tomatoes, peppers, and Tapatio (Tap that Tio!) rolled in warm tortillas. Delicious. Carl also cooked up some corn and grilled chicken. We were fed and happy and got drunk discussing random topics. At some point we were talking about rugby and rugby related matters pertaining to the Fog, and Domingo kept invoking his opinions and Carl kept repeating, "Stop yelling at me," even though Domingo was speaking at a conversational level. Then I think Carl got fed up with all of us and retired to the tent. Meanwhile we enjoyed being foolish on the beach, tackling Lemur, etc. Highlight: Meandering on the beach and watching the moon rise. Beautiful. OK, cooking up breakast now and then we embark on nuestro destino final: Mulege!

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