Monday, February 2, 2009

Baja Entries: An Explanation

So I went on a road trip through Baja California and Baja California Sur. Along the trip I journaled about what happened, what I saw, and the silliness that ensued. I probably could have written much more, but often I was hungover or rushed for time if I wanted to get a plate of hot food before the others ate my share. I'm going to present my journal entries with as little editting as possible, only a few grammatical tweaks here and there and paraphrasing on occasion. I want the spirit of the entries to be as chaotic and free-flowing as the thoughts were in my head when I initially penned them on paper.

Also, there are random Mexican-Spanish phrases inserted throughout the entries. These were actually what I wrote in the journal as I was recording random thoughts. When Lemur and I went to meet everyone on the morning of our departure, we took the Cayenne to the carwash before loading up the vehicles. There happened to be a Lonely Planet display and I purchased a pocket sized "Mexican-Spanish" dictionary, strictly for amusement. The phrase I saw that sealed the deal on the purchase (in the Social section, under the heading "Sex") a series of phrases that went as follows:
I can't get it up-sorry. (Lo siento, no se me para)
Don't worry, I'll do it myself. (No te preocupes, yo lo hago)
It helps to have a sense of humour. (Ayuda tener sentido del humor)

Also, I liked this one: (in the Practical section, under the heading "Hairdressing")
I should never have let you near me! (No deberia haberme cortado con usted!)

Anyways, there are times when the entries seem to be disjointed or nonsensical, but I believe it only enhances its authenticity. Divertirse! (Enjoy!)

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